With less than a week to go, the Unmaad publicity engine has been running at full steam, creating a palpable buzz around our scenic little village. The height of excitement was the city’s (possibly the city’s) very first ‘Flashmob’, which brought all villagers, whether involved in the organising committee or not, together for a fantastic display of village spirit in a packed city mall. Here are some highlights for our readers to enjoy, a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the good, the bad, and the god-awful.
· Impedimenta, leader of the program, was known to scare quite a few of the mobbers into turning up and learning the right steps. One lady in particular, Bacteria (a rather imposing woman herself, quite a lot taller and rumoured to be very ‘close’ to two dashing village men), was sent shivering back to her room after Impedimenta had a word with her about her ‘skills’ (or lack thereof).
· Chanticleerix, a blundering Infra dude with a mop of hair in dire need of a good snip, was apparently so bad that he was ordered not to take part in the first song by Impedimenta, who then proceeded to tell more than three quarters of the dancers that they should stay as invisible as possible.
· The lovable events member Delayedclimax, back from his trip to another city and having not attended a single practice session, decided he was good enough to learn on the job and proceeded to do exactly as he pleased, choreography or no choreography.
· There were a few cases of near injury, with Geriatrix shaking a leg and almost breaking a hip, and with Polysyllabix almost breaking another limb for the 3rd time in a year.
All in all, the event was quite a success, despite the fact that the national television channel which was recording it did not mention once the only reason it was carried out! But hey, there’s no such thing as bad publicity!