Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Show and Tell

At the recently concluded village meeting, all of us were pretty much apprehensive. Everybody had their list of complaints. Chief Vitalstatistix started off first, complaining that his spreadsheets were not being filled up by the others. All the others immediately said that they had completed all the work allotted to them. The chief conceded this point, but then immediately declared that lines of communication had been broken and needed to be re-established. At this point Tragicomix raised the vexed issue that he was not aware of all the lines of communication in the first place. “How do you re-establish invisible lines of communication,” he asked. Seeing as how an impasse was reached, that point was pushed away from the agenda in favour of more pressing matters like …. Well, money.

Polysyllabix informed the village committee that companies were very enthusiastic about giving money. Tragicomix seized this opportunity to ask him why exactly was it that he never got enough money to call all the celebrities he wanted to judge his 30 + events. Polysyllabix pointed out that even though the companies were very enthusiastic about giving money, they hadn’t actually given any of it yet. Upon being asked by when the money could be expected, Polysyllabix made his legendary puppy face (that has melted many a minds at corporate levels all over Bangalore) and pleaded that he would notify the concerned people as soon as money started coming in. Tragicomix interjected at this point that he was very concerned about calling a prominent beauty contest winner and needed to be informed soon. Vitalstatistix promptly brought in the issue of broken communication channels again at this point, upon which the meeting adjourned temporarily for five minutes of fighting.

As soon as the meeting reconvened, Getafix told all of us that the publicity for Unmaad has been going on at full steam for some time now, and that he expected more colleges to come in this year. Upon hearing this Fullyautomatix went into shock, because it was his responsibility to provide accommodation to all the hundreds of extra participants who were going to come. He was soon taken away to be spiritually revived, and this prompted the ending of the first major meeting the village had had in some time.

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